Who doesn’t love a good massage? Who doesn’t need a good massage?
There are several massage options available at EQUILIBRIUM, at least one to suit your requirements.
They are all developed from the basic Swedish massage technique incorporating differing degrees of strokes, kneading, depth and duration; full body, half body or to specific, isolated areas to achieve the best results for you.
Swedish massage is frequently used as a regular, routine massage to keep the body well toned. Light or medium pressure, not usually deep. Focus will be given to any areas showing the necessity for more depth or duration. Sometimes advice or exercises may be given to be done at home to support your recovery, improvement, or flexibility of muscle tone.
After a busy day
A Swedish massage can be very useful as a ‘cut-off’ after a busy day or a heavy week at work. Finish work, call in for your massage then continue with your personal leisure time, your family time. It makes so much difference to take a short gap of ‘me-time’ to separate two periods. Allow your mind and body to relax and unwind. Great as a cut off to prepare for a holiday or short break.
As the name suggests this is a deeper style of massage than Swedish.
Your aching back. Your stiff neck and shoulders. Tightness in your legs. All those things that conspire to make your body uncomfortable or painful and your life difficult. Stress, poor posture, standing all day or sitting at a computer. Pulling, pushing, lifting heavy objects. Using muscles that don’t usually get used during your regular routine; moving furniture, decorating, gardening, dancing. Things that you do frequently can sometimes trick you; housework and shopping are frequent offenders. Wearing ill-fitting shoes, high heels, flip-flops; these are all culprits too. Just because they’re fashionable doesn’t mean they’re good for you.
Comfortable pressure
Focus will be given to areas discussed in your initial and subsequent consultation and their neighbouring or complementary areas. Sometimes more than one visit will be necessary and your massage may vary according to your progress. Don’t be surprised if you’re advised that deep tissue massage is not correct for you. It’s a fallacy to believe that if it doesn’t hurt it isn’t doing you any good. Your masseur may start with lighter pressure if you find deep tissue massage uncomfortable then build up the pressure as the session progresses.
Begins with a quick and brisk rub-down. Eases tension, prevents muscle fatigue and tones physique following gym work-out, training or competition. A quick all-over massage with varying pressure according to muscle tone then focus on any identified areas to bring everything into line. Prevents the build-up of acids and toxins so helping you to maximize the results of your hard work. Tones physique, especially when body-building. Ideal when some muscles have been over-worked but generally others are in good shape.
Sports, training, gym work-out and competition all bring their own aches and pains in any or many parts of the body. The tension in muscles is often accompanied by a build-up of acids and other toxins which can be extremely painful and very slow in dispersing when left to their own devices. The situation will often just continue to worsen without the help of supportive massage. Sports massage incorporates a combination of massage and stretching techniques to improve tissue flexibility and recovery.
A full or part body massage; first with oils, sometimes essential or aromatic oils may be added then a second massage with hot-rocks. The most soothing and relaxing massage available at EQUILIBRIUM and certainly the most popular by far.
The rocks have superb heat retaining properties, when heated they stay hot for up to half an hour until they are applied to the body; then the soothing, therapeutic warmth is transferred into the muscles and joints in just a few minutes for fast and efficient relief. The use of cold river-stones may be recommended sometimes for added benefit.
Soothes away your aches and pains, stresses and strains with gentle massage using the restorative properties of essential oils combined with the healing value of touch. Treatment is comfortable and brings a sense of overall well-being as well as treating specific problems. The oils are tailored to your individual needs, which may be different at each session. True aromatherapy is based on the properties of the essential oils that are blended for your requirements, it’s the oils that do the work, the massage is simply the technique by which they are applied. Allow your mind and body to disengage, just lie back and enjoy the relaxation.
Various techniques of massage applied as necessary to assist and accelerate muscle recovery after surgery, injury or broken limbs. When muscles have been out of action for some time, whatever the reason, they can be slow to recover and rebuild without assistance.
It’s not a race to get you up and back in action again, recovery takes as long as it takes, remedial massage helps to make it sooner rather than later.